Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


They seem immune to all our herbicidal battering
- Genesis

It's a brave new world in the United States. Weed is back, legal for the 1st time since 1937. Before 1937, all kinds of cannabis medicines could be gotten at a pharmacy. It's no secret that big alcohol has spent millions to keep it illegal, starting after prohibition was repealed. The other most powerful cannabis haters? Try tobacco, big pharma and private prisons! An auspicious group, to say the very least.

I was laid off from a struggling start up company in July and decided I was done with sales forever. I've always loved gardening and decided to give it a go in Denver, where I have 2 great friends. 

This blog will be about my quest to become a master grower, what I learn about the first state to legalize recreational use and my adventures. I'll be going down the rabbit hole, so why not come with?

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