Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Friday, January 29, 2016

A Safe Port

When all around is madness
And there's no safe port in view
I long to turn my path homeward
To stop a while with you

-Rush, Madrigal

Went to a great job fair on Wed. Today send out more CVs and then Sat. and Sun. is the IndoExpo, a convention for the MMJ industry. I get free with my badge. Sunday is an open house.

"O' opportunity, I beseech ye, lay your hands on me."

It's like 60 degrees, so James and I are going to go to the park for a walk.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Slog

Slogging through sending out CVs. I get tired sometimes. Very tired. But then I get my ass in gear again.


Scouring ads for jobs, but I'm going to a Cannabis Job Fair maƱana. Seriously. They have those now.

The Washington Capitals are crushing the opposition this year, but the age old question looms; Can they win the Stanley Cup for the first time in their history? They have a history of choking in the playoffs.

Monday, January 25, 2016


Colorado is a very sunny state. It averages over 300 sunny days a year! The yellow in the flag represents the sun, the red is for the Rockies (as they sometimes appear red,) and the blue represents the sky.

The Panthers are going to kill the Broncos in 2 weeks. There will be a lot of no shows for work on Feb. 8th.

Everything is in flux right now, but fuck it. I'm fluxible.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Beyond Illumination

Still looking for a place to live. It's like writing Santa Claus - you never hear back from him.

Started looking for new jobs today as I'm not going to be able to live on $9 an hour, which is what I get at this place. I will look at other temp places as well. A boy's got to eat. Besides, they lie all the time. It was very illuminating.

So, I'm updating my CV tonight. Woo hoo! Let the games begin.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Traveler's Song

I'm back. I worked a very long day yesterday. Today I had off so, I slept in, then got the oil changed (2,000 was the cross country trip alone.)

That was a hell of a trip. Great time.

Work is going well. I like working with the plants. It's soothing. You crank up some music and then you get busy trimming down all the plants. Yesterday, we were in drying rooms with very little light. It was like I was in the hydroponics lab on a space ship. It was amusing. Then they hit me with a bleach spray after I was exposed to plants that had had aphids. But I did not see any, so whatever they had done, had worked.

Two weeks ago we, had to wear masks to keep the aphids from flying into our mouths.

The snow has melted off of the peaks of the Rockies. It was nice today. 45 degrees.

Saturday, January 16, 2016


- KC over NE
-AZ over GB
-SEA over CAR
-DEN over PIT

-California falls into the Pacific; 2033
-Florida under water; 2088
-First cyber-human elected president 2102

Work is fine. Still looking for a place.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Scary Monsters (and super freaks)

A girl my age went off her head, hit some tiny children
If the black hadn't a-pulled her off, I think she would have killed them
A soldier with a broken arm, fixed his stare to the wheels of a Cadillac
A cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest, and a queer
Threw up at the sight of that
I think I saw you in an ice-cream parlor, drinking milk shakes cold and long
Smiling and waving and looking so fine, don't think
You knew you were in this song
And it was cold and it rained so I felt like an actor
And I thought of Ma and I wanted to get back there
Your face, your race, the way that you talk
I kiss you, you're beautiful, I want you to walk

We've got five years, stuck on my eyes
Five years, what a surprise
We've got five years, my brain hurts a lot
Five years, that's all we've got
-David Bowie, Five Years

I've been swamped with work, finding and apt., etc.

Good-bye, David Bowie! You were brutally honest, a risk taker, a game changer and a genius. I go to see a place tonight. I had today off.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Green Days of January

Had to buy more pants, since I will try to go to the laundry mat once a week to wash the work clothes. I'm not sure I ever won't smell like marijuana again. I also got some shiny sweatshirts and a few aprons to keep the buds, leaves and stems off of my clothes.


Found a laundromat and washed my work clothes, thankfully.

I was going to see a place today but it was already rented when I called for directions.

I now have enough clothes to work six days in a row.


How did it become Tuesday?