Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Traveler's Song

I'm back. I worked a very long day yesterday. Today I had off so, I slept in, then got the oil changed (2,000 was the cross country trip alone.)

That was a hell of a trip. Great time.

Work is going well. I like working with the plants. It's soothing. You crank up some music and then you get busy trimming down all the plants. Yesterday, we were in drying rooms with very little light. It was like I was in the hydroponics lab on a space ship. It was amusing. Then they hit me with a bleach spray after I was exposed to plants that had had aphids. But I did not see any, so whatever they had done, had worked.

Two weeks ago we, had to wear masks to keep the aphids from flying into our mouths.

The snow has melted off of the peaks of the Rockies. It was nice today. 45 degrees.

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