Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Dream of the Butterfly

It's been a long crazy week. The guys I was supposed to live with screwed me and rented it out to someone else between when we shook hands on Sunday and Sat., when I was supposed to move in. I even confirmed with an email. He claimed he left a message but did not. Nor did he text. Pussy. I'd kill him with my bare hands. But that's illegal. But if I was in prison, at least I'd have a place to live.

The pros and cons. Literally.

I had a deam that I was a caterpillar. After doing the larvae scene for a while, I cacooned myself up and went down for the obligatory transformational nap. When I awoke and smashed my way out, I had beautiful green and yellow wings. And I could fly! The wind was my mistress and my carriage. I soared over mountains and oceans. The entire landscape was my birdseye view. Then I suddenly found myself over New Jersey, sailing down Route 17 S, weaving in and out, freer than I had ever known..., until I hit the Hess truck. What was the last thing to go my mind? It was my asshole.

Damn. I didn't even know Hess was stilll in business.

And I'm hovering like a fly
Waiting for the windshield on the freeway

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