Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Time Warp

April 3

Hello House. Are you there? It's me. Jay.

Sorry to disturb you, but I really need to find you. I've given up on religion, self help books, the entire state of Connecticut, ethical politicians and women who won't even consider dressing as Wonder Woman on special ocassions. And dogs (sneeze, wheeze.)

But you, I still belive in. Not the WMCA where you have to sleep next to a motorcycle cop or an Indian. Not a storage locker that I live in, cook on a toaster oven, pee into an empty milk jug and get into work 20 minutes early and use the shower there. I guess I'll need to go au jus on the weekends. I believe that you still exist and that I can find you. A room? A studio? Under that bridge on 6th Ave?

Do you believe in me, House?

April 12

Let's do the time warp again
-Rocky Horror Picture Show

Apparently, yes. I found a place to live with someone at my new job, which is bizarre because I don't work there anymore. I was fired on Thursday. My boss, a skinny small woman who is only there because she sleeps with the boss, was intolerable. She's well hated. I was ready to quit because all she does is scream at people. She also treated us like dirt. So, that same day I called my old boss, who I left  on good terms with, and started the next day.

Oh, yes. The movers called on Wed. morning, saying they were ready to deliver. "The fuck you are! You were suppossed to give me a 3 day window. So I had to leave work and rent storage nearby.

It was an awful two weeks but I am out off the extended stay. Next place I get will be my own.

The good news? Kevin and Smith are coming to visit on Thurs. night! My friends of 30 years are going to be the first to visit. Woo hoo!

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