Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Scare Crows

I'm moving forward. Things are gradually looking up.  But I'm still cautious. If you can name the movie that this picture is from, then you are a true sci fi fan.

Wait for it.....

It's PLANET OF THE APES and it changed my life. Post-apocalyptic fiction! I have loved it since I was 12.

Do you remember when THE DAY AFTER aired? It was supposed to be a very realistic and disturbing depiction of nuclear war. It was maybe '82 or '83. It sucked. Disjointed as hell was just a fart of a movie. THREADS, done about the same time by the BBC, was disturbing and realistic as hell, and therefore awesome. 

I remember that once Mum asked me if I was scared about nuclear war, because Reagan was a war monger and possibly (and sadly) already being compromised by Azlheimer's disease. I hated him, but I wish that on no one. But let me be clear, he was an evil douchebag.

I said that I didn't worry about it because I knew we were in the blast radius of NYC and that we would all be vaporized, wouldn't know what hit us. Wouldn't have to fight radiation sickness, starvation and rats the size of dogs. She said something about me being a very strange kid and then cooked Kielbasa for dinner. I took it as a compliment. I was happy to be "strange" and I love kielbasa. 

On the 7th of May, I will have been living in Colorado for 6 months. On the 9th, I will have been working in the cannabis industry for 6 months. 

I'd like to thank Mum and the Seester for all their support. Just knowing that they were invested in me through all of this was crucial. When I drove cross country alone, they were with me. And Kev and Smith, who came out to visit me, and paid for most everything, I am blown away. I must have done awesome stuff in other lifetimes to have friends like you.

Thanks to all of you who have read my blogs for the past ten years. You can't understand what it means to me. 

Life isn't always easy. We all know that. But the fact that my life is often batshit, but entertaining to all of you, gives my life purpose. I've already experienced more than I ever could have imagined, so cheers.

Live your life. Live your dreams. No one else will live them for you.

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