Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Monday, May 2, 2016

Pot Luck

Mighty Hogweed is avenged.
Human bodies soon will know our anger.
Kill them with your Hogweed hairs
Giant Hogweed lives!

I walked out of the door to go to work at 7:15 and my car was covered in snow. It's May 1st. Did I move to the southern hemisphere and not remember it? The stars are still those I remember from the north. Every morning I either need sunglasses or the snow brush. It's a toss up. 

It's supposed to be 58 on Monday and 66 on Tues. Spring in Colorado - it's weather pot luck. 

Mañana will be my 9th straight day of work. I work 49 hours this week (week ends on Sunday,) so that's 9 hours of overtime. I am finally chipping away at my debt.

It's 3 am on Monday, but I came home from work and collapsed at about 20:30. Time has no meaning to me anymore. I sleep when I'm tired and do waking stuff when I am conscious. But things are good. My room is in the basement with tiny windows that only let me know if the sun is out or not, so I'm rather insulated. My housemate, Dino, is a nice guy, but after being social at work for 1/3 of the week, I like to be alone. For a year it was just me and my kitten, Dr. Wu. Now the good Doctor, who is no longer a baby and is a healthy 14 pounds, is in the loving care of Mum. That was a good call on my part because they get along famously. My life is far too psychotic to have a pet and they take care of each other. It makes me happy. Doctor Wu is an awesome cat and Mum is the best mom I ever had. Only one, actually.

Okay, I am far too schmaltzy at 3:29. But fuck it. Being grateful is the only pure emotion there is. I just yawned, so I think it's time to snag 3 more hours of sleep before I get ready for work. I go to Weed Science again mañana, where I pack 1 gram packages of hash all day. I like it there. The people are cool as hell and I just pop in my earphone (as only one ear functions) and listen to Rush, Genesis, Porcupine Tree, King Crimson, etc., and package my ass off. Or I chat with Rob, Tamara, Travis, Justin, Berry. etc. 

It could always be so much worse, like having your leg in a bear trap.

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