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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Politics and Idiocy in the Time of Powdery Mildew

I'm so sick of all the Hillary/Trump news. Hillary won't debate Bernie again because she'll get her ass kicked. Trump is like a puppy, begging Paul Ryan for his endorsement. Why can't we have an election in six weeks like Europe? That was heaven.

I heard the following things at work this week;

ME: What's your daughter's name?
WOMAN: Cartel Monet.
WOMAN 2: That's nice.
WOMAN: They told me it was a boy so I had all boys names picked out. Cartel was the only one that fit a girl.
Really? Did it really fit? You know that's a name for the mob and gangsters, right?

MAN: He's always saying, "Dude, I have like 12 toilets in my house. I can shit all day.
ME: Is there a reason why that would be desirable? 
I've shit all day, but it was like dysentery. It was not cool. It also caused a hernia.

I'm sure you heard about this flack against transgenders using the restroom they identify with.

“He says he’s going to withhold funding if schools do not follow the policy,” Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick of Texas said this month. “Well in Texas, he can keep his 30 pieces of silver. We will not yield to blackmail from the president of the United States.” -NY TIMES

He said this today after 11 states filed a suit against the government in protest of the new transgender bathroom law

Texas was joined by Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia and Wisconsin, plus Arizona's Department of Education and Maine's governor. -REUTERS

 Texas high schools are ranked 28th in the nation. Arizona is 30th, tied with Oklahoma. Alabama is 37th. Louisiana is 47th. Do these states honestly want to lose federal funding? The scary thing is that they'll just become even dumber. 
And finally, I've been dealing with powdery mold on plants I've been trimming and de-fanning, which is depressing. I wear a mask, so I'm okay, but it's not cool that they sell it. As far as regulations have gone, they need to go much further. Maybe the new states to legalize will do a better job.

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