Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Monday, May 30, 2016


Plants ready to be de-fanned

First off, let me thank all of you who have served in the armed forces. You are awesome. Thank you for your enormous sacrifice. And a special shout out to our Mel, who served in the Navy reserves for something like ten years, our third generation, from the Mum's line (of course!)

Scenes from the Trim Table;

WOMAN: (in here mid-50s): Yeah, I hate jury duty. Last time I was called, I told them, "I'm a felon. I can't vote. Why would you want me to sit in judgement of someone else.

The three of us were silent. I did not know how to answer that. What's the etiquette? 

a) Ooh, you've hit the Big Time. My family has only petty criminals that served less than a year. 

b) Violent or non-violent? (as I grip my shears and adjust them to a good stabbing angle) 

c) I am an anarchist and I salute your vigor!

WOMAN: Well what happened to your foot?
MAN: (24 years old): I was shot.
WOMAN: What?
MAN: My cousin was all drunk and on meth. He was waving a round a sawed-off shotgun. I told him to chill. He said it wasn't loaded. Then it when off and he blasted my right foot and leg. His girlfriend drove me to the hospital. They shot me up and told me to come in the next day to have it amputated.
ME: Fucking hell dude!
MAN: After a few hours, I had resigned myself to losing my leg when a vet, who had overheard the conversation, came over and said "Fuck that." Go see these guys. He sent me to doctors who take care off wounded vets. They saved my foot. It still hurts like hell, so I use CBDs and THC, but I still have my foot.

In 2014, we had 10.54% of death from shootings. 

Great Britain - 0.23
Germany - 0.07
Mexico - 6.34

We have almost twice as many shooting deaths as Mexico! 

The only thing the NRA does is sell more guns. That is their only purpose. I have nieces and nephews (the Smith kids) who were traumatized and haunted by the fact that their friends lost siblings in the Sandy Hook shootings. I was there,when they had a tribute after Brendan's little league game, for one of those killed. End the madness, now!

Editor's Note:

This is also why you steer far away from people who do meth and get shit-faced with a sawed-off shotgun.

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