Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Difference a Day Brings

Well spank my ass and call me Gwen! My prediction came through and the Capitals won 3 - 1 to force game 6. And Bartolo Colon hit the first homer of his 19 year career, and it was in the second deck. The Mets also moved into first place alone for the first time this season. And Harvey's fastball hit 97, so maybe he has really recovered from Tommy John Surgery. That would be great.

While we were trimming, the sirens blew for a tornado warning, so we got out of the warehouse and waited ten minutes in the main building, but nothing hit near us. I don't think any hit Denver, luckily. --- Nope, just checked The Denver Post. 

Okay. It's 21:14. I need to eat and then relax before bed. Back to the lab maƱana at 7:45.

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