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Sunday, June 26, 2016

BREXIT Revisited

Hey Little Sister
It's a nice day for a 
White Wedding
-Billy Idol

  • My Brit friends in Madrid are freaking out about whether they'll be able to get work visas and stay in Spain.
  • The UK will need to re-negotiate 45 new trade treaties. Good luck with that, limeys.
  • For the time being, the US dollar will be the safest "reserve" currency.
  • It's probably a good time to buy a Rolls Royce, if you are in the market. How do they handle in the snow?
  • Scotland is already barking for another referendum on leaving the UK. They voted against it in 2014 but have strong ties to the EU.
Confused? So are David Cameron, Angela Merkel and the British voters. What is the EU? was the number one search in Britain on Friday morning. 

Shouldn't you do your research before you vote?

It's a mess. A big bloody mess.

The bright side? The British illustrate the catastrophe of looking before you leap. Take that, Donald Trump supporters.

If I wrote the BREXIT story as fiction, people would say it was ridiculously unbelievable. 

Here's another point; Britain conquers half of the world, sells countless Africans into slavery, sells opium to China's people, establishes Australia as a penal colony, and less than 200 years later complains about mass immigration in the UK. 

Karma, like gravity, is a bitch.

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