Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Friday, October 2, 2015

Mile High

I held the book so tightly in my hands,
I saw your picture, heard you call my name
There was something strange, I could not look away
I wanted to be there, I wanted to go

Damn. The high altitude is killing me. Dry skin, can't drink enough water and Mountain Time is just fucked up. All the shows and sporting events are at bizarre times.

But I am very excited. I feel like I was meant to be here. I can't explain it. Also to help JB out with his M.S. It has had a profound effect on him. But it doesn't seem weird. Even when I have to give him an arm to help him get off the couch. He's an old friend. We always understood each other. He was one of the first people I ever told that I was thinking of divorcing Sue.

Anyway, it was so cool of these guys to take me in. I am trying to help Kay with JB as much as I can. I cooked pasta and red sauce today. It was good. I like cooking for people. And these guys are amazing people.

It's very beautiful out here. I'll take some pics tomorrow, but sunset was amazing. 

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