Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Sunday, October 25, 2015

The New World

There's only one direction
In the faces that I see
And it's upward to the ceiling
Where the chamber's said to be
Like the forest fight for sunlight
That takes root in every tree
They are pulled up by a magnet
Believing they're free

The carpet crawlers heed their callers
You gotta get in to get out


Will Forte

I finally was able to qualify for a CO driver's license on Thursday, and then went for my Marijuana Badge on Friday. The fingerprinted me and will run a background check that takes about 24 hours, then they'll mail it out. With some luck, I might have it by Wed. However, I even now have my license number so I can include that in my cover letter.

Woo hoo! One step closer. It just so happens that there are a lot of steps in this process.

What an incredible cast of characters were there, over twenty of us. There were people with;
- Unruly hair and beards like Will Forte's character in The Last Man on Earth.
- Nose rings
- Suspenders ( I shit you not)
- Pink hair, Red hair
- No makeup and bell bottoms. Bell Bottoms!

Compared to the rest, I was a fucking bore. But the people I did talk to while we waited for the office to open, were nice. It's a new world, so it's time to embrace it.

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