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Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Things to Know When in Denver


3 Basic Rules for Denver:

1) Never refuse a glass of water. The altitude dehydrates you and you can never drink too much.
2) Never pass up a chance to use the toilet. The altitude weighs on your digestive systems and can cause a lot of flatulence. And cause the occasional photo finish to the restroom.
3) Always carry an inhaler with you. While I haven't wheezed, the air is thin and the rescue inhaler helps you catch your breath and breathe easier.

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We hiked the Three Sisters trail on Monday at an altitude of 8,000 feet, so that's 1.5 miles.

It's my goal to someday hike a Fourteener (a peak with an elevation of 14,000 or higher.) Today was a start.

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