Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


I am watching the Smithsonian channel. It's 1:15am. I just saw a three minute commercial for the Wise Company which sells freeze dried food that can last 25 years for the apocalypse. AND, it comes with a 30 day guarantee. So if the worlds ends and you have to eat this stuff, and you don't like it, you can get a refund. IF the Wise Company still exists. Hysterical. The only thing I've ever heard that was funnier than that was the Rapture. 

Buying cannabis legally is awesome. It's so civilized. 

I tip my hat to Aldous Huxley. He foresaw SOMA, a drug that made you happy. We step closer to his vision every day. It's a dystopian saga, but maybe today we can get it right. At the very least, give it to medical patients so that it relieves their pain. That's just being a humanitarian.

Is that so wrong?

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