Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Friday, October 9, 2015


This has been a very interesting time. It's so great to see JB again. And while the disease has taken the toll, his spirit is intact. Kay takes very loving care of him. It's very moving. JB is a fervent supporter of me growing cannabis.

JB always says, "You're going to do this!" 

And I say, "Yes, I am."

I've been called brave.

I've been called insane.

It doesn't matter, either way, as long as I am fortunate enough to pursue my dreams.

But I have seen enough to say that I will say that I will be an advocate to stop MS from this day forward. Cannabis is very effective for people who have MS.

My Uncle Ronnie died from this disease. I hadn't seen him in years. He was a good man. I never understood how much MS is a horror.

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