Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Sunday, February 28, 2016

After the Green Flies

Worked from 10 to 5 today, trimming. Some of it was beautiful bud.

I got some feedback that folks found Green Flies disturbing. Thank you! That was the point. It was an off-the-cuff exploration. The blond boy is wrong for bullying Andrew. Andrew defends himself, but is wrong for framing and making the boy a quadriplegic. Who's more wrong?

I may make you feel but I can't make you think.
- Jethro Tull, Thick as a Brick

And if you thought about that for more than five minutes, then I've done what I set out to do.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Green Flies

I'm knackered. I was going to say some stuff about something, but I can't recall. Thank you for playing! Anyway, here's a very short story I wrote today.

Green Flies

Andrew was 8 years old. It was 1976. Every August, he, his Mom, and his sister, would go down the Jersey Shore to Lavalette.

It was a cloudy day and the wind was blowing from the west, which meant that the green flies would scissor open your flesh and then leave you with a painful welt. Being on the beach was a nightmare in these situations.

It was on such a day that Andy decided to move off of the water to the top of the beach, where for some reason, the flies were less prolific. 80 minutes later, he had made a brilliant sand castle, he had brought buckets of water with him, and was putting on the finsihing touches. Suddenly a big blonde kid walked up the boardwalk, which was the way off of the beach, and said, “Hey Kid!,” and then destroyed the sand castle with a single kick.

“Fucking asshole,” Andrew said.

The older boy walked over to him and punched him in the face.

As his Mom put ice on his right eye, she said, “If he does it again, punch him in the nuts.”

Andrew was humiliated and in pain. He decided to go his mother one step better.

- - -

It was another cloudy day, but the eastern winds did not bring the flies. Andrew had a castle going that had a moat, a major wall and five turrets, a bit farther from the shore, where he could still get sand that was dry,. Along came the older boy. “Hey Asshole,” and kicked the wall and three turrets down.

Andrew tried to steel himself. “You know what, douchebag. You're like a green fly. You need to be killed.”

He laughed. “And whose gonna do that, you fucking pussy.”

Now it was Andrew's turn to smile. “Me, you fucking dick!” With his left hand he dug into the dry sand and pulled out the tire iron from his mom's trunk. He swung it and caught him on the left cheek. He quickly tossed the tire iron to his right hand and struck him on the nose, the right cheek, and then the throat. He dropped like a sausage. The beach was fairly empty, but a few people stopped to take notice.

Andrew screamed, “And this for fucking me up the ass in the men's shower yesterday, you fucking homo!”

He swung with everything he had and struck the blonde boy in the center of his spine. Everyone within 200 feet heard the sickening crack. The boy screamed out in agony. Andrew was arrested and the blonde boy was left a quadriplegic.  

In court, Andrew told, in heartbreaking detail, how the blonde boy had forced him into one of the showers and raped him. Andrew was found not guilty.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Phase Three

Phase 1- Get my MMJ Badge
Phase 2- Get a job

Phase three is to find an apartment. I'm in a temp place now and happy to be on my own again. I worked 8 days straight and moved today. I work mañana and Sunday, and who knows when I'll next get a day off.

You know, I have had the oddest urge to reread 1984 this week. I also listened to Pink Floyd's The Wall yesterday. Not sure where this is all coming from.


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Moving On

Good day at work today. We harvested plants and in the afternoon we trimmed buds. I move into a temporary place mañana. I am excited. I am grateful to these guys for letting me stay here.

Even though I move tomorrow, it's my first day off after 8 straight work days. I'm down to about 175 pounds, which I have not been in ages. Oh, how I love the farming life.

My buddy and I had a beer and talked for a while. It was fun. That's excellent news. He's one of the bravest people I've ever met, the way he deals with his MS. It's inspiring.

I hear sleep calling me. I'm exhausted.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

All Things Green

The wheel in the sky keeps on turning
Don't know where I'll be tomorrow

Good day at work. I'm getting close to trimming a pound a day (our ultimate goal.) I did 375.9 grams in 6.5 hours. A pound would be 452.

People at work are pretty nice. Everyone is enthusiastic about work and very positive, which is everything. If you don't have a positive attitude, you're already toast.

                                                                     Aphid Giving Birth

On Monday, the plants were full of aphids. It was pretty gross. They are like the Plague. They like yellow and brown (they eat dying leaves) and I had an orange Mets hat. I had about of 20 them on my hat. They fly all over the place.

This is powder mold, we had that today. Unfortunately, we may have it tomorrow as well, same place. But they give us masks.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

It's No Game

put a bullet in my brain
and it makes all the papers
- David Bowie, It's No Game: part I

I give up. Everything has gone so south. Wish I could change it, but I can't. Bygones.

British Soldiers, Battle of the Somme, WWI

Monday, February 22, 2016

4 and 4


Playlist of the Week 2/14

Fragile, Topographic Oceans - Yes
Wildflowers - Tom Petty
Arriving Somewhere - Porcupine Tree
Live at the Passaic Theater, 1976 - Rush
Aladdin Sane, Ziggy Stardust, The Man Who Sold the World - David Bowie
Sultry Kissing Lounge - Markus Reuter
In the Court of the Crimson King, The Construction of Light, Discipline - King Crimson

I'm exhausted. By the time I get off on Friday, I'll have worked 8 straight days. 4 down, 4 to go. I farm therefore I am.

Sue and I exchanged texts a few weeks ago. She said that Annie had gotten my postcard and was so excited that I was becoming a 'farmer.' She's an adorable kid, she really is. We always clicked. She reminds me of the things I loved in Sue.

I miss all my kids! The Smith kids, the Sheridan girls, and Kev's boy, Colin. I miss my nephews, Adam and Evan as well. I am a lucky man to have so many people to miss.

But this is what I do. I'm extremely fortunate to have seen so many things and to have been so many places. I try new things. I live in different places. If you had ever told me that my life would be like this, I would have said you were mad. But I don't think I'd change it. I am the sum of my experiences, and I'm happy with that. Sometimes, I get so very tired, but so do we all. At least I'm enjoying the ride.


3 days of work left. Also looking for a new place, I was just told tonight, and working six days a week. My friend was cool about it. And that's fine. It's time. I'm more than ready to find a my own place. I appreciate everything they've done for me.

I just have a lot on my plate this week. Keep Eating.. keep eating!

It'll be the best for everyone. I'm just so damn exhausted. But I've lost about 15 pounds, so the work agrees with me. I'm just waiting for life to agree with me. It'll come. Eventually.

I don't know whether to stress and search frantically or pass out. I've worked five straight days and it's only Monday. I opt for pass out.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Diary of a Weed Monkey, part i

As far as the Marijuana food chain goes, my co-workers and I are at the bottom of the barrel. We get paid minimum wage and are oft treated as expendable. We work hard like monkeys, working as fast as we can. It's not for the weak of spirit. I have hence dubbed myself, a weed monkey.

This is not Cambodia

So, we showed up at a place I'll call, Hookah Smoking Caterpillar. We arrived on Thurs. and de-fanned 800 plants, under the grow lights! Some were 12 feet high and we were wedged between the rows. My friend, Jonah, is a big dude and he was getting claustrophobic. I was brushing up against the plants with my bare arms, so I was a human resin ball by 6pm. 90 minutes after we started, somebody cranked the platform and gave us more room. Jonah shouted "What the fuck, bro? Where was that at 8:45?

It was bright and hot as hell. Everyone came back from lunch with sunglasses and baseball hats. If you could have hidden the ceiling and told me I had been dropped into Cambodia, I would have believed you.

Keep trimming..., keep trimming!

Fri, Sat and Sun we trimmed at the Caterpillar. Saturday there was a gas leak. They cleared us all out. After 30 minutes, they told us it was a pilot light that had gone out. Some people refused to go back in. I trusted, Joe, the manager. He's a decent guy. A dude next to me said, "They really don't care about our safety. It's all about the money."

"That's capitalism," I said.

Then the owner came in and gave us a very unmoving apology, saying that it was safe and that the other people 'just didn't want to work.' "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't safe."

The moment he left the room, someone said, "Just keep trimming, keep trimming," like Dory in Finding Nemo. Then the whole room was saying "Keep trimming, keep trimming!" The owner left 20 minutes later. Cuz it was plenty safe.

Welcome to the jungle.

You Say It's Your Birthday

Happy Birthday to the Seester, Mel. Thank you for being so generous and good to me during batshit crazy times. I miss ye.

Your birthdays are the single day of the year that I feel old. Because if you're that old, then that makes me....


Sorry I was gone so long. I'll try to keep on top of the blog. I have just been burning the candle at both ends. As Mum always reminds me, "You're not in your 20s anymore." Foolish of me, but I still forget.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Down on the Farm

Now I'm a farmer, and I'm digging, digging, digging, digging, digging
Now I'm a farmer, and I'm digging, digging, digging, digging, digging
It's alarming how charming it is to be a-farming
How calming and balming the effect of the air

-The Who

Worked 46 hours last week, so 6 hours of overtime! That will help my economic plight. I like the company and have made some friends. It's been warm- 50s and 60s. 

It's great to be back harvesting the plants. I love it. Yesterday we had a half day and today I have the day off. Tomorrow it's back to work Thurs. - Sunday. Not sure when my next day off will be. Hey, if you've got work, I'm in. Call me a strumpet or a tart, but I'm open to anything if it has to do with sharp objects and Cannabis. 

Life has been kind of normal: I work, I'm exhausted, I eat and go to sleep. Simple. Too bad it won't last.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Living in the Limelight

Well, I just landed a job and now recruiters are banging my door down. Oh, it's nice to be wanted. And I will listen to any and all offers that don't include full frontal nudity. One is an assistant grower job, which was my dream job for this year, to work as an assistant grower, and the other is a sales job. Meanwhile, I start at CannaClips on Monday. Woo hoo!

People, we're going back to work!
-Homer Simpson Last Exit Springfield

Mañana the Super Bowl. I predict that Carolina wins 30 - 10 and that there will be a lot of unhappy people at work on Monday. It will be my first Super Bowl in Colorado, so the game starts at 4:30 MST. That's awesome. The Caps played at 11am this morning and won. Sports are at whacked out times out here.


Here's a new a thing. It's called MJDB

Music:A Tribute to Jack Johnson/Miles Davis
Joint: Blue Widow (50/50 hybrid)
Drink: Vodka
Book: Life after Life/Kate Atkinson

Hello Friday night! The buzz is sublime. This Blue Widow also surprised me with how smooth it was. Tito's Vodka, mixed with anything, is nice.

This is my favorite Miles album, which a DC cab driver told me about over ten years ago.

I just picked this book up today and I've already read 75 pages. It's about a woman born in 1910, England, and how when she dies she lives again. Takes place during both world wars, so it's historical as well. I'm gulping it down.

Friday, February 5, 2016

The Unreal

It's been so cold, it's unreal. It's supposed to break mañana and be 50 F, so James and I will go out for a jaunt at City Park. I'll bring my phone this time, so I can take pictures.
< Bear Lake

Once it doesn't hurt anymore to go outside, it will be fine. 

James and I are going to see Godspeed You! Black Emperor on Monday in Denver. They are post-rock and weird as hell. They are great to see live. I saw them once in Madrid with my friend, Tweedie. They were awesome.


They call me the working man

I got a new job today. I start on Monday. Looks like a very god company. I'll be trimming. So that is great news. It will be full-time with room for advancement. Woo hoo!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

A Wee Bit Tardy

Well, we got a foot of snow, it was just a day late. Such is the whim of the Rocky Mountains. The currents do as they will up here. So I dug my car out and ran what few errands I had. People with pick up trucks were spinning out, while I drove my Corolla in 2nd gear. The moral of the story: USE YOUR GEARS, MORONS!

It was cloudy today, as it was still snowing. Mañana might be the big melt if the sun comes out. The Denver sun can melt half of our snow in a day. Plus, the plow crews are relentless (where do they get that tax money from?)

Monday, February 1, 2016

Bat Girl

I saw some weird stuff on Sunday. The strangest, a small woman,walking her little dog, wore a flimsy backpack with a baseball bat in it, her left hand gripping the bat. I could not decide if she took the dog to the batting cages (of which I've never seen out here, ever) or if a baseball bat was just her preferred weapon of choice. But this also makes little sense, because we live in a safe neighborhood.

So tell me, oh Baseball Mama, who are you? Is the dog that valuable? Do you have dangerous enemies? Or do you hit balls to the dog in the park? Reveal to me, the mystery, O' Bat Girl.

- - -
We haven't gotten as much snow as they predicted, just mostly on cars and grass, but James just told me it may come tomorrow. But the storm has made the Internet lousy all day. Mañana is another day.

I went to the Indo Expo on both Saturday and Sunday, which was a convention for the industry. People sold grow lights, fertilizer, hydroponic kits, growing trellises, advocates for the use of hemp, different smoking and vaping devices, as well as tech, accounting, HR, legal, and marketing people. It was very interesting and a recruiter gave me some good tips after looking at my CV.