Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Monday, February 1, 2016

Bat Girl

I saw some weird stuff on Sunday. The strangest, a small woman,walking her little dog, wore a flimsy backpack with a baseball bat in it, her left hand gripping the bat. I could not decide if she took the dog to the batting cages (of which I've never seen out here, ever) or if a baseball bat was just her preferred weapon of choice. But this also makes little sense, because we live in a safe neighborhood.

So tell me, oh Baseball Mama, who are you? Is the dog that valuable? Do you have dangerous enemies? Or do you hit balls to the dog in the park? Reveal to me, the mystery, O' Bat Girl.

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We haven't gotten as much snow as they predicted, just mostly on cars and grass, but James just told me it may come tomorrow. But the storm has made the Internet lousy all day. MaƱana is another day.

I went to the Indo Expo on both Saturday and Sunday, which was a convention for the industry. People sold grow lights, fertilizer, hydroponic kits, growing trellises, advocates for the use of hemp, different smoking and vaping devices, as well as tech, accounting, HR, legal, and marketing people. It was very interesting and a recruiter gave me some good tips after looking at my CV.

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