Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

All Things Green

The wheel in the sky keeps on turning
Don't know where I'll be tomorrow

Good day at work. I'm getting close to trimming a pound a day (our ultimate goal.) I did 375.9 grams in 6.5 hours. A pound would be 452.

People at work are pretty nice. Everyone is enthusiastic about work and very positive, which is everything. If you don't have a positive attitude, you're already toast.

                                                                     Aphid Giving Birth

On Monday, the plants were full of aphids. It was pretty gross. They are like the Plague. They like yellow and brown (they eat dying leaves) and I had an orange Mets hat. I had about of 20 them on my hat. They fly all over the place.

This is powder mold, we had that today. Unfortunately, we may have it tomorrow as well, same place. But they give us masks.

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