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Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Green Flies

I'm knackered. I was going to say some stuff about something, but I can't recall. Thank you for playing! Anyway, here's a very short story I wrote today.

Green Flies

Andrew was 8 years old. It was 1976. Every August, he, his Mom, and his sister, would go down the Jersey Shore to Lavalette.

It was a cloudy day and the wind was blowing from the west, which meant that the green flies would scissor open your flesh and then leave you with a painful welt. Being on the beach was a nightmare in these situations.

It was on such a day that Andy decided to move off of the water to the top of the beach, where for some reason, the flies were less prolific. 80 minutes later, he had made a brilliant sand castle, he had brought buckets of water with him, and was putting on the finsihing touches. Suddenly a big blonde kid walked up the boardwalk, which was the way off of the beach, and said, “Hey Kid!,” and then destroyed the sand castle with a single kick.

“Fucking asshole,” Andrew said.

The older boy walked over to him and punched him in the face.

As his Mom put ice on his right eye, she said, “If he does it again, punch him in the nuts.”

Andrew was humiliated and in pain. He decided to go his mother one step better.

- - -

It was another cloudy day, but the eastern winds did not bring the flies. Andrew had a castle going that had a moat, a major wall and five turrets, a bit farther from the shore, where he could still get sand that was dry,. Along came the older boy. “Hey Asshole,” and kicked the wall and three turrets down.

Andrew tried to steel himself. “You know what, douchebag. You're like a green fly. You need to be killed.”

He laughed. “And whose gonna do that, you fucking pussy.”

Now it was Andrew's turn to smile. “Me, you fucking dick!” With his left hand he dug into the dry sand and pulled out the tire iron from his mom's trunk. He swung it and caught him on the left cheek. He quickly tossed the tire iron to his right hand and struck him on the nose, the right cheek, and then the throat. He dropped like a sausage. The beach was fairly empty, but a few people stopped to take notice.

Andrew screamed, “And this for fucking me up the ass in the men's shower yesterday, you fucking homo!”

He swung with everything he had and struck the blonde boy in the center of his spine. Everyone within 200 feet heard the sickening crack. The boy screamed out in agony. Andrew was arrested and the blonde boy was left a quadriplegic.  

In court, Andrew told, in heartbreaking detail, how the blonde boy had forced him into one of the showers and raped him. Andrew was found not guilty.

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