Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Living in the Limelight

Well, I just landed a job and now recruiters are banging my door down. Oh, it's nice to be wanted. And I will listen to any and all offers that don't include full frontal nudity. One is an assistant grower job, which was my dream job for this year, to work as an assistant grower, and the other is a sales job. Meanwhile, I start at CannaClips on Monday. Woo hoo!

People, we're going back to work!
-Homer Simpson Last Exit Springfield

MaƱana the Super Bowl. I predict that Carolina wins 30 - 10 and that there will be a lot of unhappy people at work on Monday. It will be my first Super Bowl in Colorado, so the game starts at 4:30 MST. That's awesome. The Caps played at 11am this morning and won. Sports are at whacked out times out here.

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