Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Friday, March 11, 2016

Go Trump Yourself

Trump will not win the presidency, but if he does, I will move to Alberta, Canada and work in the cannabis industry up there. I already have a fake Canadian passport under the name Jose Guerrero. And he's only 42. Yeah baby!

Feel the Bern! I hope Bernie can make a comeback, but I doubt it's possible. I'll vote for Hillary, but she's as corrupt as hell. Bill was too, but was a good president. But no more Bushes. No more Clintons. Enough is enough. 

The Republican debate last night was a real shit storm. Trump is a hate monger. Cruz is an ass wipe. Rubio and that other douche are already toast and are too stupid to realize. 

I heard that if you drop out, you get to keep all of your donations.

Guess who's going to run in 2020? Jose Guerrero for President!

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