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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Selene: The Blizzard of '16

Don't let her spicy latina name fool you; this storm is one cold bitch.

We were not supposed to get much accumulation in Denver. Wrong!

The snow was coming down faster than the rear windshield defroster could melt it. I left at 7. I went about a mile and then turned around and came home. That took an hour.

The guy on 850 AM said, "Going uphill is virtually impossible."

Damn. And he was right. It was that bad. SUVs spun out everywhere and the Toyota just kept chugging. It was slippery as hell. A guy slid into the front Toyota bumper. We exchanged info but it didn't look like there was any damage. It just sounded awful.

I accepted a new job yesterday. I will be working for a dispensary, so this is a good move. It will soon mean better pay as well.

Soundtrack to Blizzard Selene:

Tales from Topographic Oceans (disc 1) - Yes
A Saucerful of Secrets - Pink Floyd
Brothers in Arms - Dire Straits
O.R.k. - Inflamed Rides

DIA, the airport, is closed until further notice. It's a whiteout out there. My car doors were frozen shut. I-70, I-25 and I-76 are all closed, both ways from Denver. They say this is the worst storm in 8 years. 90,000 homes are without power. Traffic lights are out. When you look outside it looks like a scene from The Shining.

Yesterday it was sunny and 72F. 

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