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Friday, March 11, 2016

Scorched Earth Policy

With the guards of Magog, swarming around,
The Pied Piper takes his children underground.
Dragons coming out of the sea,
Shimmering silver head of wisdom looking at me.
He brings down the fire from the skies,
You can tell he's doing well by the look in human eyes.
Better not compromise.
It won't be easy.
666 is no longer alone,
He's getting out the marrow in your back bone,
And the seven trumpets blowing sweet rock and roll,
Gonna blow right down inside your soul.
Pythagoras with the looking glass reflects the full moon,
In blood, he's writing the lyrics of a brand new tune.
There comes a time when you no longer take prisoners, and that time is now. No more bullshit. 
Somebody said "fair warning"Lord, strike that poor boy down-VAN HALEN

The Extended Stay America where I've been staying is a shit show. Let's call this The Western Asshole Tour because I've had to rip several people a new one.

When I die, the only thing I want on my headstone is;

                   He did not suffer morons lightly.

In WWII, the Russians followed a scorched earth policy as they retreated. They burnt everything they could not carry. Once they defeated the Nazis at Stalingrad, they hunted them like dogs as they retreated. They had no resources. They died like beggars. 

The Internet was down for 24 hours here at the hotel. I was promised a price of $315 for the week, but they couldn't take my credit card. Today they tried to charge me $550! 

I released the kraken. In the end, I paid $315.

Don't fuck with me. I'm 25% demon (Dad's side.) I hate when people awaken that in me. My father's family was evil. I have damning evidence that they were cannibals, especially his mother.

Deep breaths. Okay, Martini time!

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