Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Out West

Merry Xmas my dear friends and family. I miss you all, but it was not sensible to fly back after only arriving on the 9th. Besides, I've been up to my ass in work, sometimes literally. I've met some very nice, interesting and intelligent people at work. I know I made the right choice when I decided to do this.

My right toe (arthritis) gave me a lot of trouble last night and today.  I think it's just a weak point and I worked 5 of the last 6 days. I took what the doc always prescribes and I have 3 days to rest.

I cooked a rack of lamb and had it with a nice Mark West Pinot Noir. Then I watched the last three episodes of Into the Badlands, which were awesome.

It's 8:08 here. 10:08 back east. It's 14:00 in Madrid. They are sitting down to Xmas dinner right now.

So kiss a baby! Hug your siblings! Call someone you've been meaning to call! Have an extra glass of wine AND a piece of cake! Thin about all the cool things in your life! Peace on earth.

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