Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Thursday, December 3, 2015


Just when I thought things couldn't get any weirder. I was delayed 2 hours, leaving Jersey, because my of credit card, which was below it's limit. I couldn't even buy gas! Mum helped me out and saved my ass, yet again.

Then I was cruising across New Jersey and Transylvania (I mean Pennsylvania,) and it was fun. There was snow on the ground in PA in the western Poconos.

Then, as I was less than an hour from the Ohio border, where I figured I'd stop and get a hotel room, we were suddenly at a standstill. It was obvious there had to have been an accident up the road.

I called Mum and as we were talking, I suddenly yelled, "What the hell?" Three cows had just walked past my car on the shoulder (going east on 80 west, no less!) I was like, "That really happened!" Turned out that a tractor trailer, filled with cattle, had flipped. Cows were running around on route 80! It was madness! The rescue crew was trying to retrieve them, but the cows could climb up the embankment! It was a bizarre 2.5 hours. There were 40 something cows. And a lot had to have died. I remember screaming, "Oh, the Bovinity!"
But it didn't stop me from ordering a steak later on.

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