Tell The Senate

Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Thursday, December 17, 2015

NE and OK Can Bite My Shiny Metal Ass

Tow the line and play their game
Let the anesthetic cover it all
Till one day they call your name
You know it's time for the hammer to fall.


Nebraska and Oklahoma have just followed a federal lawsuit against Colorado. They claim it is draining their police forces. Kansas is thinking of joining and they can bite me too. NE has 1.2m people, Kansas 2.9 and Oklahoma 3.9. That's 6 million people. New York City alone has 8.4 million! Legalized recreational marijuana in CO has cut drug related crime by 80% in the first year alone. The state has saved a minimum of $3m in court costs and the tax revenue from year 1 was $68m! This is a no brainer. If these people weren't getting weed from CO, they'd be getting it somewhere else.


Dear Nebraska, Oklahoma and Kansas!

That's why nobody actually wants to live your state! You guys are as much fun as a poo covered stick.

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