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Tell The Senate
Let Vets Use Cannabis for PTSD

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Training Day / Snowstorm

Today, I harvested marijuana for the first time. I came home a bit sticky and reeking of it, but I had my badge and my case in the car in case I got pulled over.

But it was fun. I fanned out the water leaves of some of the big buds, then these are discarded and the buds are put away to dry or cure.

Then, with some of the little buds, you pick the sugar leaves off of them. These are leaves that have deposits of resin on them and can be saved for use in extractions and such.

It was a long day on my feet, but fun.

The measure of the moment
In a difference of degree
Just one little victory
A spirit breaking free
One little victory
The greatest act can be
One little victory

- Rush


We got a foot of snow today. Schools closed, which is a rarity here.  But the crews did not get a jump on the storm because so much snow was unexpected. The healthcare insurance guy called at 9:30. I was just getting up. I told him I'd be there at ten. He said, "I just wanted to check with the snow."

Snow? There was not supposed to be much. I looked out the window and there was at least eight inches of snow. The roads were a disaster, because most things had been closed, so Arapahoe, our main road/highway, was nothing but slop and people skidding and accidents. Luckily, my first thing to do was at ten.

So I knocked the snow off of the car and pulled out onto an unplowed road, on the grounds where we live. But the Toyota pulled through. I used 2nd gear a lot! I got there and got new health insurance, dental and vision. Woo hoo! Then I had to create an online account, so that I could cancel the account in CT. But fine, I jumped through the hoop and it got done. So thank you CT. Thank you, Northeast. I leave you with a heavy heart.

But things are exciting here. There's a vibe and a pride to being the first state to legalize it recreationally. There's also people out there who like to cut off people, just because they have Connecticut plates. A local told me some of the people don't like newcomers, like me, because the price of everything has gone up. Yes, there is a bit of a boomtown feel, because this is Denver, and it's where all the big players and growers have set up shop. But the economy is booming. The boom will thin out a bit as more markets open. I think they'll be some sweet positions opening up in the next five years or so.

So that's the past two days. It's been an adventure! First day on a weed farm. Then first day in a Mile High snow storm. It dropped about a foot in the span of four hours. That's nuts. Denver has already broken the December record for snowfall.

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