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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Journey's End

The sun sets in Eastern Colorado as I near the end of my journey.

Dec 8

After five months of laying the groundwork, I have moved to the Denver area. Woo hoo! Thanks to the many who helped along the way. And thank you to my Toyota! 202,000 miles! To me, my 1997 Toyota Corolla like Tony Stark's Iron Man Suit.

I had a 20 ounce, bone in rib-eye in Nebraska. There are more cattle than people, and they taste better too. It's beautiful country out there, and there's so much of it. Farm after farm after farm. But I hung out in a dive bar in Grand Island (it's not an island, it's Nebraska) and it was a cool crowd. The older ones were cool, the younger ones were alcohol soaked.

One guy asked if I wanted to play darts, loser buys drinks. I agreed and annihilated him in about ten rounds. Then I found a free Miller Genuine Draft in my hand.

Having done the East Coast to Denver thing twice now, I can finally conceptualize just how vast our country is. The space goes on forever and ever. As do the cattle.



Still can't sleep. After driving for almost 9.5 hours, I thought I might drop as I fell in the door. But, after that long of paying attention, it's never easy to come down.

Take a little trip back with father Tiresias,
Listen to the old one speak of all he has lived through.
I have crossed between the poles, for me there's no mystery.

Sleep is beckoning from across the street. “Not yet,” she says, but whispers, “...soon.”

That'll do sleep. That'll do."

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